
Mum and baby group York-Babywearing dance class

Sita-Director of Mama’s Got Moves

Hiya! This is me, Sita, founder of Mama’s Got Moves, single mama to one beautiful girl, dance teacher and maybe a little obsessed with babywearing!

So this is me wanna know the juicy bits? Well, keep reading…. I am originally from York, I left at 19 on a one-way ticket to the sunshine, and travelled and lived in exotic places for eighteen years.

I spent the last eight years of my travel in Colombia and fully immersed myself in all things Salsa and Latin dance. After four years I did a teacher’s certificate and started teaching Salsa Caleña in 3 of the most popular dance schools in the city.

I became a single mother when my daughter was three months old, and I’ve done it alone since then. I chose to go back to teaching dance when she was three months old, only a few hours a week, I needed it for my sanity. But I also couldn’t be apart from her, so I wore her in a baby carrier and taught dance.

I suffered from PND and really needed an escape from my own mind. Dance was the only thing that made me feel like me again after having a baby.

But then Covid struck, and all things dance were banned all over the world. I had a business and a job and I lost both overnight. I clamoured to make money online in a country where there was zero government support. I worked all night while my baby slept and barely slept myself. After six months I called it quits and came back to the UK.

Arriving in the UK in 2020 to a world of lock downs and isolation I desperately needed a way to get out there and dancing again, and I figured I probably wasn’t the only one and that’s where the idea for Mama’s Got Moves started to blossom.

I wasn’t really a mum that wanted to sit around and eat cake and blow bubbles for my baby, I really resented how no one looked at me like a person anymore, I had become a mother and that’s the only way people saw me. But I am not just that, I am sooooo much more.

Mama’s Got Moves is a mum-and-baby group with a difference. In this group it’s all about YOU. Your entire life revolves around your baby, so taking one hour a week to do something for you is so important. A place where there is zero judgment, a place to have a giggle, listen to loud music-cos let’s face it you ain’t going clubbing any time soon-and be YOU again.

You will be in safe hands, I’m certified under the Adore Your Core Program, an incredibly useful course helping peer supporters understand the problems women face after childbirth.

I am also a certified Peer Supporter with Carrying Matters for Safe babywearing so I can answer a tonne of questions you might have about babywearing.

I am not only a certified Salsa teacher, but I am a certified Zumba instructor and have a diplam in Excersize to Music.

Mama’s Got Moves first classes were among the trees in Rowntree Park York in the summer of 2021 and now with classes in both York and Leeds


"Brilliant class that combines exercise with a morning nap! The feel good factor that comes from learning a new dance routine while cuddling my baby really sets me up for the day. I wish this class had been around when I had baby number 1."

— Kate